Custom Forms
The custom forms feature of Legal CM is simple yet powerful, allowing you to create your
own data-capture forms to be completed by staff or clients.
Forms are segmented into sections, and sections contain questions.
Sections and questions can be shown or hidden based
on the answers to other questions.
Single-line text, multi-line text, dates, whole numbers, decimal numbers, check boxes,
check box lists, drop down lists and radio buttons are all supported.
Sections of forms can be made to repeat based on the answer to prior questions. For example,
Q1. How many people are buying this property? Section 2 - "Client Details" would be repeated
for the number of clients selected in Q1.
Sections of forms can be repeated in a tabular format, either according to a pre-defined list
of qualifiers (e.g., a list of rooms) or according to a number given as an answer to a prior question.
This feature can be used to capture data for filling Land Registry or Law Society PDF forms in a
user-friendly manner. Clients complete forms via the Portal in a mobile-friendly,
"save as you go" format. You firm can review submitted forms before they are committed to the matter.